Tag: blessinks

  • The Names of God Sketchnote Bible Study # 1

    The Names of God Sketchnote Bible Study # 1

    This post begins our study of the Names of God. Each month we will focus on a name and have a sketchnote challenge to go along to deepen our study of His names so we get to know Him better. Why we Name things In this first installment of in our bible study starts with the…

  • Sketchnote your 2020 Goals

    Sketchnote your 2020 Goals

    After mind mapping your targets for 2020, use SMART goals to help you write goals that will keep you accountable. Develop your goals I know most of you can guess what this challenge is all about. Happy New Year!  Its January 1st, its time to map out a plan for 2020. If you missed the…

  • Sketchnote your 2019

    Sketchnote your 2019

    Recap your life in 2019 by sketchnoting the highlights of the year.

  • Sketchnote Boss 2020 Vision

    Sketchnote Boss 2020 Vision

    Here’s our vision for 2020 in how we are going to grow in the Word through Visual Faith. I know several of you are curious about our plans for 2020 and I realized that several of you might like to reorganize and get a new sketchbook to start the year off.  So I thought I…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!

    just a quick hello to say thanks for an awesome year.

  • Last-Minute Doodled Paper Ornament Gift Box

    Last-Minute Doodled Paper Ornament Gift Box

    Color and or doodle up this gift box that doubles as an ornament. It can contain a truffle, cash or anything that works for you! If you missed the gift bag challenge you can find it here. And here’s the link to the sharing journal. Here’s a quick, fun and easy project that you can…

  • Sharing Journals

    Sharing Journals

    Make or start a sharing journal to make a deeper connection with someone. What is a sharing journal Our next challenge for December is to make or start a friendship journal, back and forth journal.  The idea is to keep a journal going back and forth between two (or more folks). A sharing journal is a…

  • Christmas Doodled Gift Bag

    Christmas Doodled Gift Bag

    Bless someone by doodling a gift bag. When people see the time you put into their gift bag they can’t help but feel blessed. Hi everyone,  today’s challenge is to use all those Icons on the list that was posted at the first of the month.  You can get it here if you are looking…

  • Christmas Cookie Sketchnote Recipe Exchange Book

    Christmas Cookie Sketchnote Recipe Exchange Book

    Here’s our first annual Christmas Cookie Sketchnote Recipe Book. I decided that since I am such a horrible cook, that I could start my own sketchnote recipe exchange and call it a Christmas Cookie exchange although we have more things that just cookies. I am most definitely better at sketchnoting recipes than making them! The…

  • 1st Annual Sketchnote Christmas Cookie Exchange

    1st Annual Sketchnote Christmas Cookie Exchange

    Hi everyone, just a quick post to let you know about the Sketchnote Cookie Exchange. I talk more about it here in the video and the instructions are below. Can’t wait to see what you come up with! •Sketchnote your recipe by hand •Use sketchnote elements – containers, arrows, icons… to organize the page •The…