Visual resources for your quiet time.
Aug 2024: I recently just got hacked and my old website could not be restored so I am building it all over again, so when you click around all the pages are not up do to date. Thanks for being patient while I recover my website. Thanks, Marsha

Welcome to Blessings, a site dedicated to helping you go deeper in your walk with the Lord.. Come and learn to Sketchnote sermons, doodle during your devotiona,ls, and do some brushwork in your Bible study. Check out my blog posts and the tabs at the top for more info. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to get free exclusive resources from me to you!
Read-Pray-Sketch 10 Day Challenge – Days 1-10
The 10 Day Challenge to learn how to Read-Pray-Sketch starts on October 19, 2020. We will learn a quick method on how to spend 15-20 minutes a day in the Word. We will read a verse, journal a bit. List our prayers, gratitudes and draw something everyday. We will get our brains going in a…
Weekly Bible Doodle Challenge – Bread
Bread Did you know that Bread is mentioned in the Bible over 500 times? This is a great icon to add to your Bible visual library. Bread has many meanings—food for nourishment, eternal food, or provisions. It symbolizes worship when we take the bread for communion to spend time in His presence. We break bread…
Recap your year with a Sketchnote
The challenge this week is to recap your year. What did you do with your time? What did you accomplish? What did you enjoy (or not)? And what events occurred? When I worked in Corporate America one thing that was required was to recap my accomplishments for the year to highlight the goals that were…
Sketchnoting with Flowers – Scavenger Hunt
Flowers can add a great addition to any note-taking. They can symbolize something, they can make a great border or filler if you have some empty space. Learning to draw flowers can be quick with doodles or can take a bit of time if you want to do a BOTANICAL sketch or painting of flowers.…
Sketchnoting with Flowers
This month we are going to use flowers in our sketchnotes. The process of sketchnoting helps us better understand the information we are hearing. According to the Dual Coding theory when we sketchnote we are writing the information on our brains twice. We are taking information in through listening and then visually we are taking…
Sketchnoting Prayers for Ukraine Pat 1
Please join me for the month of May as we use our sketchnote skills to create some visual cues as we pray for Ukraine. The conflict has been going on for more than 60 days and the news outlets are not covering it as often as we are losing interest. However, the struggle for the…
10 Day Sermon Sketchnote Challenge – Day 2-3
Join us for our 10 day challenge to your first sermon sketchnotes. Day 3 Today we looked at our simple sketchnote format where we write on 3/4 of the page and draw on 1/4. Here’s my offering. As you can see I didn’t follow my own directions to only draw in the right column, but…
Got any book recommendations?