Category: Doodle Devo

  • Sketchote Summer Camp: A Day at the Beach

    Sketchote Summer Camp: A Day at the Beach

    In this post we will complete Ps 139:18 and draw some wave doodles and seashells as part of our Sketchnote Summer Camp. No part of Summer camp would be complete with a trip to the beach whether the beach is on the lake or the ocean. In any event, most likely there is sand involved.…

  • Sketchnote Summer Camp Recipe Challenge

    Sketchnote Summer Camp Recipe Challenge

    In this post we will learn how to choose a recipe to sketchnote and how to sketchnote a recipe. Recipes naturally lend themselves to sketchnoting. The recipes generally contain ingredients, tools and appliances that can be sketchnoted.   Sketchnoting a recipe can really bless someone or preserve a cherished family recipe.  Another way to use them…

  • How to Draw Fireworks

    How to Draw Fireworks

    In this post we will learn how to sketchnote or draw simple fireworks using a few basic shapes. Get a paper and pencil and get ready to doodle with us! Video on how to draw fireworks Basic shapes for drawing fireworks Here’s a quick post on how to draw fireworks. as the next challenge in…

  • July Sketchnote Summer Camp

    July Sketchnote Summer Camp

    Just a quick post to introduce the July activities for Sketchnote Summer camp. July Sketchnote Summer Camp Printable available The July Summer camp printable is now available on the Member’s Page. You can access the printable by signing up for the newsletter (to the right). The link to the Member’s page is always in the…

  • Sketchnote Summer Camp Challenges #3 and #4

    Sketchnote Summer Camp Challenges #3 and #4

    In this edition of the Sketchnote Summer Camp we are going to do challenges #3, 4 and 5 from the June printable. Let’s have some fun!Quic Quick Draw Challenge Are you enjoying Sketchnote Summer Camp?  I am loving all the challenges. In this post we will look at challenges 3, 4, and 5.  Challenge 3…

  • Sketchnote Summer Camp is open!

    Sketchnote Summer Camp is open!

    This post announces the Sermon Sketchnote Boss’s Sketchnote Summer Camp. We’ll be working on our sketchnote skills, walking with the Lord, and doing fun summer things during June and July. Come and join in the fun! Summer is my favorite season and with all the sheltering in place during this strange season, I thought that…

  • The 100 Day Project – Iconology Days 32-37

    The 100 Day Project – Iconology Days 32-37

    Here’s week 5 of the #the100DayProject. I am increasing my visual vocabulary by drawing a set of icons a day. It is been a challenge to come up with new icon ideas daily. I base some of them on weird holidays. Day 32 – Monsters are a great icon to have in your visual vocabulary…

  • Quick Mother’s Day DIY Gift Box

    Quick Mother’s Day DIY Gift Box

    In this post, we will make a quick DIY Mother’s day Gift Box Mom for Mother’s Day. All you need is a printer, scissors, a treat, and some markers. Video DIY Mother’s Day Gift Box SUPPLIES For this quick project you will need: Printable – you can get the printable by going to the member’s…

  • The 100 Day Project – Iconology – Icons Day 24-31

    The 100 Day Project – Iconology – Icons Day 24-31

    Here’s week 4 of the #the100DayProject. I am increasing my visual vocabulary by drawing a set of icons a day. It is been a challenge to come up with new icon ideas daily. I base some of them on weird holidays. Day #25 -May 1 Space Day. #26 National Herb Day. #28 Star Wars Day…

  • #the100DayProject  ICONOLOGY – Day 10-16

    #the100DayProject ICONOLOGY – Day 10-16

    This post displays my icons for #the100DayProject fro Days 10-16. I am challenging myself to draw icons daily to improve my visual vocabulary. Having icons at the ready will improve my sketchnoting skills. If you’re curious about the 100 Day project check out my previous post here. Here are my icons for the second week…