stick figures

The 100 Day Project – Iconology – Icons Day 24-31

Here’s week 4 of the #the100DayProject. I am increasing my visual vocabulary by drawing a set of icons a day. It is been a challenge to come up with new icon ideas daily. I base some of them on weird holidays. Day #25 -May 1 Space Day. #26 National Herb Day. #28 Star Wars Day – May the 4th be with you. :} and Day 29 was Cinco De Mayo but alas my favorite Mexican Restaurant was closed. Stay tuned for more icons next week. Here’s a link to last week’s icons. Leave a comment if you have ideas of something I should draw.

Tune in next week for more daily Icons. Also we’re having a FB Live event on Friday May 8th at 2pm CT in the Sketchnote Boss Facebook Group. Hope to see you there.

Medical ICons
Medical Icons
Happy DNA Day
National Herb Day
stick figures
Stick Figure Day
star wars
May the 4th be with you!
Cinco De Mayo
Crowns are great for sketchnoting
Cacti are fun to draw


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