Tag: visual thinking; hand lettering
Envelop Sketchnote Challenge
It’s time to think about snail mail and sketchnote an envelope. Check out the Graceful Envelope Contest and the art challenge this week to doodle up an envelope to bless someone. Isn’t it just the coolest thing to get personal mail and even cooler when it cool mail? Here are two letters I got this…
God is Love – Sketchnote Journal Challenge
This post will continue to focus on our study of El Kanna with a sketchnote challenge to illustrate a verse on love. I think the verse that really hits home for me in this study is that He thinks about me more than all the grains of sand. Psalm 139:18 Today is just a quick…
February 29 Day Trading Card Challenge
Join us in this art challenge to draw 29 different hearts on trading cards and then give them away! It’s going to be fun! Welcome to February. I thought we would start off this month with an art challenge. It’s designed to really stretch your visual skills and it will bless others. The challenge is…
Names of God Sketchnoted Bible Study – Elohim
Our sketchnoted, illustrated bible study begins with Elohim, the first name of God we find in the bible. Genesis 1:1 In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth. Elohim As we start our study of the Names of God, we will start with Elohim. Elohim is the first name we encounter in…
World Sketchnote Day 2020
Come and join us in our celebration of World Sketchnote Day on January 11, 2020. Share your sketchnotes using the hashtags: #SNDay2020 and #sketechnoteboss. As we start out our series of Sermon Sketchnotes, and given the date, I thought it only proper to start the series with a post about World Sketchnote Day, January 11th,…
The Names of God Sketchnote Bible Study # 1
This post begins our study of the Names of God. Each month we will focus on a name and have a sketchnote challenge to go along to deepen our study of His names so we get to know Him better. Why we Name things In this first installment of in our bible study starts with the…
Sketchnote your 2020 Goals
After mind mapping your targets for 2020, use SMART goals to help you write goals that will keep you accountable. Develop your goals I know most of you can guess what this challenge is all about. Happy New Year! Its January 1st, its time to map out a plan for 2020. If you missed the…
Sketchnote your 2019
Recap your life in 2019 by sketchnoting the highlights of the year.