Tag: marsha baker

  • Count Your Blessing Day 15

    We’re at the half way point of the month and we’re over half way to our 100 Gratitudes. What are 3 talents the Lord had blessed you with? Read Matt 7:7-21 – the Parable about the Talents. Many people feel that this parable is about managing money and investing wisely. Certainly there are applications there,…

  • Count You Blessings Day 14 – Give away Friday 11/18

    What’s on your mind? I am grateful that the Lord is concerned about the things wer’re concerned about. There’s nothing too small in our lives that He is not interested in. Currently, health Insurance is  on my mind. My husband is now retired so we purchase our own insurance. Our monthly premiums are twice what…

  • Count Your Blessings – Day 11 Happy Veterans Day

    Happy Veterans Day! Do something nice for a veteran. If you don’t know  a vet then write a veteran. You can write to any solider at Operation Gratitude here: https://www.operationgratitude.com/writeletters/ We have a friend overseas so we’ll be sending  care package. Count Your Blessings – day 11 My spiritual gift is service, to that makes…

  • Count Your Blessings – Day 10

    So far this has been the hardest page. Do I pick people I know or famous people who did courageous things? I admire Malala the Pakistani girl who was shot, but continued  to speak out about treatment of women in Pakistan, or famous people like Eleanor Roosevelt or artists I love like Mary Engelbreit? I…

  • Count Your Blessings – Day 9

    Day 9 – Have you ever been in the belly of the whale? Did you feel alone? We spent 9 months in the belly of the whale. Our oldest son got a rare abscess in his kidney when he was 7. It took the doctors a few weeks to figure out that it was an…

  • County Your Blessings Day 8

    Can you believe it’s only day 8 and you’ve already written 36 gratitudes? I’m thinking of other things that I want to capture, so my list will be over 100, how about you? Today let’s have a little fun and list your top 5 favorite  movies or books. I might have to do both. My…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 7

    Day 7: 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 says Pray without ceasing. I am not sure what the Lord means by that – how do you get anything else accomplished? But I take Him at his word, and try to lift up little prayers throughout the day for the things He puts on my heart. The Lord is…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 6

    What things do you take for granted? We are so used to our creature comforts that we take them for granted. Personally I hate the cold and the Lord reminded me that I take my warm house for granted. So in the winter months I purpose to say thank you for my warm house when…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 5

    Day 5 – Proverbs 16:3 Commit your plans to the Lord and they will be accomplished Do you have any goals written down? The Lord gives us a short life and expects great things of us; what three things do you want to accomplish? Write down your goals and then doodle something about your goals.…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 4

      Day 4  Psalms 96:11-12: Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice;Let the sea [a]roar, and [b]all it contains; Let the field exult, and all that is in it. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy. (I just realized that I did not include the verse reference on the…