Count Your Blessings Day 7


Day 7: 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 says Pray without ceasing. I am not sure what the Lord means by that – how do you get anything else accomplished? But I take Him at his word, and try to lift up little prayers throughout the day for the things He puts on my heart. The Lord is so faithful to me in the little things that it’s a constant reminder of His omnipresence. He helps me find my keys, gives us safe travel and are blessed by the people He puts in our life.

One big answered prayer I’d like to share is the story of my brother-in-law, Bruce who was diagnosed with a rare blood disease. This disease caused his body to not produce platelets. For two years the doctors tried all kinds of chemo and other experimental drugs, and to no avail. The doctors had given up hope and scheduled a bone marrow transplant. The Lord was gracious to find a donor that was a great match for him, Bruce prepared for the transplant. But two weeks before the transplant his body miraculously began producing platelets again. This is nothing short of a miracle to show that our God can do anything. God answers prayer. If God can heal Bruce, then know He’s as equally concerned about the challenges in your life.

Journal about a time when God answered your prayers.

Here’s the printable: cyb7

You can go to get the previous  printables here.

Till tomorrow,



2 responses to “Count Your Blessings Day 7”

  1. Teresa Bowser Avatar
    Teresa Bowser

    I think to pray without ceasing is to be in an attitude of prayer .It’s impossible to be always on our knees, but we can be in the spirit of prayer when we are doing other things throughout our day. Prayer may be without ceasing in the heart which is full of the presence of God, and evermore communing with him. We can pray without ceasing in our hearts if our hearts are full of the presence of God . . . always aware in all we say we say and do that He is there. I believe that’s how we will be able to “rejoice always.”

    1. marsha Avatar

      Thanks so much for this perspective. I like the way you’ve stated things. Having an attitude of prayer is so important. I find I do a lot of little prayers throughout the day. Thanks for your comment! Blessings, Marsha

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