Tag: Christian Art

  • Where do I get my ideas?

      Where do I get my inspiration? Do you get frustrated when you’re trying to create something and you can’t  think of any pattern to use to fill in? The secret is to create a library of anything and everything that you think is interesting. I never leave home without something to sketch in. Mostly…

  • Daybreak 2016 – Love Wins Sketchnote from talks from Margaret Feinberg

      I won’t write a long blog posts since there’s a lot to take in in this sketchnote. These are my notes from Margaret Feinberg’s talks at Daybreak last week at Harvester Christian. She was awesome and inspirational. If you ever get the chance to hear her speak – don’t miss it. I loved the…

  • The Perstrope Family Concert

      The Perstrope Family Concert Over Labor Day I had the opportunity to hear The Perstrope Family in concert at First Baptist St. Charles. It was a wonderful concert and what a talented family. If you ever get the opportunity to hear them in concert, you’re in for a treat. Here’s their Facebook page if…

  • Alpha Verse – N is for Never as in Jer 32:40 (and printable)

    I will NEVER stop doing good for you. Jer 32:40 (NLT) Wow – What could we accomplish if we really believed this that everything the Father does for us is good even if we can’t see it at the time. This verse comforts me in knowing that I always have a champion in my corner…

  • Sermon Sketchnotes – Hospitality 1 Peter 4:10

      Ok maybe I’m a little biased about this series, but it was a great series even if my husband gave the message. You can find the audio of the sermon here: (July 31. 2016) https://www.discoverlifespring.com/templates/System/details.asp?id=24499&PID=736098 Hospitality is such a great way to show the love of Jesus Christ to others. Its so simple to…

  • An Unexpected Letter

    Sometimes I get a really fun project and this assignment was to create a scarf/bandanna for the Women’s Awesome Biking Adventure- Michigan (WABAM) which is going on this week. Seven women are riding some great trails along the coast in Northern Michigan. Six of these great gals are pictured above. I thought it would be fun…

  • Alpha Verse Q – 1st Peter 4:3

    1 Peter 3:4 says A quiet spirit is of great worth in the Lord’s sight. I love this verse – we live our lives at 90 miles an hour and are so busy being busy most of the time we don’t know know why we’re so busy. But taking time to be quiet and shutting out all…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Alphabet Verses B for Bind

      Here’s another alphabet verse – B for bind. Here’s the printable: B Col 3 13-14. printable   so you can do your own too! It’s a lovely verse putting on love over it all in perfect unity.

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Alpha Verse – S Ecc 3:1 – To everything there is a season.

      Happy Friday. I love Spring – its my favorite season. My garden is like an symphony. The daffodils start the season followed by tulips and the irises are right around the corner. The my 40 varieties of Day lilies are so amazing I could just look at them all day! So I thought the…

  • Joy Luncheon 1st Baptist Raytown

      I had the privilege of speaking at the Joy Ministries Spring Luncheon at 1st Baptist Raytown (near Kansas City) on Saturday. It was a really fun event. Table leaders took a theme and decorated their tables. Here’s a Tea Party table to the left. There were also spring flowers, kites, balloons and Audrey Hepburn…