Doodle Devo Friday – Alpha Verse – S Ecc 3:1 – To everything there is a season.

Alpha Verse S


Happy Friday. I love Spring – its my favorite season. My garden is like an symphony. The daffodils start the season followed by tulips and the irises are right around the corner. The my 40 varieties of Day lilies are so amazing I could just look at them all day! So I thought the letter ‘S’ would be a great letter for this week. Ecclesiastes 3:1 – To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.

I drew the letter S and the boxes. Then I lettered the verse. I taped the page down with frog tape and colored the back ground using water color pencils then added a slightly wet brush. I then colored in the details with my Prisma Colors and added a white gel pen to add the snowflakes.

Here’s the printable:  Ecc 3 1   I am getting mixed feedback. Do you like the verse letters in black or grey? Let me know what you think and I’d love to see what you do!



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