Category: Doodle Devo

  • May Calendar available

      Here’s the May calendar you can get if you are an email subscriber. I loved doing this page. I decided to do a sun burst theme but use alternate colors. Can’t wait to see yours! Blessings,   Marsha

  • Grati-Tuesday @#14

      Psalm 147:4-5 He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. 5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power;     his understanding has no limit. Last night I was going to go a whole different direction with this post, but this morning I woke up to find that mother had fallen and…

  • Sermon Sketchnote Series Part 3 – The Materials Post

    Sermon Sketchnote Series Part 3 – The Materials Post

      For the third part of our series, we need to examine our choices for the materials we need to sketchnote.   For the most basic level, all you need is a pencil and paper, but I would encourage you to be more choosy. I hope your journey in sermon sketchnoting is to take a…

  • Grati-Tuesday #12

    Jer 33: 3  Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.   Are you feeling Lucky? With everyone celebrating St. Patrick’s day this month, I was thinking about  “Luck” and that I really don’t believe in Luck. I think there are no coincidences …

  • April Calendar Available

      Oh my goodness – where did this month go? Here’s the April calendar. You can get the printable by subscribing to the email newsletter. I promise not to share my list with anyone. I hope you have a great time doodling this calendar. I loved spending time on this. The water was fun to do…

  • Grati-TUESDAY #9

    Grati-TUESDAY #9

      Prompt # 9  Write about a recent purchase  Ps 103:5 He Fills my life with good things. Everything we have is from the Lord. We are just stewards of all we have. Sometimes I forget that and think I earned something or I deserve….. These times bring me to a point of humility when I think…

  • March Calendar

    March Calendar

    If you’re an email subscriber you can get your printable for the March 2017 Calendar here. If you’re not a subscriber, sign up today to get on the list. I promise I won’t email too often – weekly mostly. I like to share my quiet time doodles.

  • February Calendar – Love

    February Calendar – Love

      Here’s February’s Calendar. Love is so appropriate for February don’t you think? No matter how ugly we are, no matter what we do, we cannot run from God’s love. I love this design and all the pink. I used colored ink pens and didn’t color, but used simple patterns to fill in the spaces. It…

  • Where do I get my ideas?

      Where do I get my inspiration? Do you get frustrated when you’re trying to create something and you can’t  think of any pattern to use to fill in? The secret is to create a library of anything and everything that you think is interesting. I never leave home without something to sketch in. Mostly…

  • The Perstrope Family Concert

      The Perstrope Family Concert Over Labor Day I had the opportunity to hear The Perstrope Family in concert at First Baptist St. Charles. It was a wonderful concert and what a talented family. If you ever get the opportunity to hear them in concert, you’re in for a treat. Here’s their Facebook page if…