Tag: Gratitude Challenge

  • #5 Grati-TUESDAY

      Col 3:15 – And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Our days can have elements of unpleasant things. I think its good to have bad with the good so we appreciate the good things more. So today think of something…

  • #4 Grati-TUESDAY

    Prompt #4 An Unexpected Blessing Ps 95:2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving     and extol him with music and song. We were surprised by a visit from our friends who are missionaries in Italy. We got to have a quick lunch and just have a lovely time of fellowship. Think about this past week and think…

  • February Calendar – Love

    February Calendar – Love

      Here’s February’s Calendar. Love is so appropriate for February don’t you think? No matter how ugly we are, no matter what we do, we cannot run from God’s love. I love this design and all the pink. I used colored ink pens and didn’t color, but used simple patterns to fill in the spaces. It…

  • #3 Grati-TUESDAY

    The Prompt: Write about a time when you saw God clearly in control of the situation. The verse that spoke to me this week was Daniel 2:20- He changes times and seasons, He deposes Kings and raises them up. As we have the presidential inauguration this week with a change in leadership this week in…

  • #2 Grati-TUESDAY

      Today’s prompt is about a time with special people. I wanted to recall some lovely times I had over the holidays before I forgot about them. My parents love to play the card game, Bridge. We’ve all learned how to play and over the holidays we had two tables going. It was a lovely…

  • Grati-TUESDAY – Week 1

    #1 Grati-Tuesday #1 Grati-Tuesday  What are  your plans for 2017? Research shows that people who write their goals down are more likely to accomplish their goals. The act of writing them down creates an accountability for you. Your goals don’t need to be earth-shattering, but just something you want to accomplish. Take some time to…

  • Count You Blessings Day 14 – Give away Friday 11/18

    What’s on your mind? I am grateful that the Lord is concerned about the things wer’re concerned about. There’s nothing too small in our lives that He is not interested in. Currently, health Insurance is  on my mind. My husband is now retired so we purchase our own insurance. Our monthly premiums are twice what…

  • County Your Blessings Day 8

    Can you believe it’s only day 8 and you’ve already written 36 gratitudes? I’m thinking of other things that I want to capture, so my list will be over 100, how about you? Today let’s have a little fun and list your top 5 favorite  movies or books. I might have to do both. My…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 7

    Day 7: 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 says Pray without ceasing. I am not sure what the Lord means by that – how do you get anything else accomplished? But I take Him at his word, and try to lift up little prayers throughout the day for the things He puts on my heart. The Lord is…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 6

    What things do you take for granted? We are so used to our creature comforts that we take them for granted. Personally I hate the cold and the Lord reminded me that I take my warm house for granted. So in the winter months I purpose to say thank you for my warm house when…