Tag: grati-TUESDAYS

  • Children’s Ministry Sketchnote – Mr Mark’s Classroom

    Children’s Ministry Sketchnote – Mr Mark’s Classroom

    This week I’m posting some sketchnotes I did for a recent Children’s Ministry Webinar I attended. The presenter loved these so much he incorporated them into his handout. These were easy to sketchnote as Mark Jones from Mr. Mark’s Classroom provided a lot of visual images during his webinar. We’re actually headed off to meet…

  • How to Sermon Sketchnote Part 4

    Some times thoughts pop into your head that require a quick note. Instead of writing out these notes, its good to develop a short hand or a legend to help you get those notes down quickly so you can keep your attention on the message. Developing a legend will help you keep up with the sermon without…

  • Grati-TUESDAY


      Happy Tuesday. Prompt: Write about something you’re thankful for about where you live.    Psalm 35:18 I will give you thanks in the congregation;     among the throngs I will praise you. I was very saddened to hear of the church bombing in Egypt on Palm Sunday. I pray for the victims and their…

  • Grati-Tuesday @#14

      Psalm 147:4-5 He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. 5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power;     his understanding has no limit. Last night I was going to go a whole different direction with this post, but this morning I woke up to find that mother had fallen and…

  • Grati-Tuesday #13

    Col. 3:23 Work as though you are working for the Lord. Write something about your job for which you’re thankful. Since my other two posts were about my boys, I thought I would finish my catch up posts with a post about my oldest son. He lives far away on a temporary assignment. He has…

  • Grati-Tuesday #12

    Jer 33: 3  Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.   Are you feeling Lucky? With everyone celebrating St. Patrick’s day this month, I was thinking about  “Luck” and that I really don’t believe in Luck. I think there are no coincidences …

  • April Calendar Available

      Oh my goodness – where did this month go? Here’s the April calendar. You can get the printable by subscribing to the email newsletter. I promise not to share my list with anyone. I hope you have a great time doodling this calendar. I loved spending time on this. The water was fun to do…

  • Grati-TUESDAY #10

      Ps 23: 1 The Lord is my Shepherd; I lack nothing. Prompt: Today, ask for nothing and just be thankful for all you have.   I was struck when I was looking at my calendar today while looking for a date, the first like of Psalm 23 hit me. I lack nothing. I have…

  • Grati-TUESDAY #9

    Grati-TUESDAY #9

      Prompt # 9  Write about a recent purchase  Ps 103:5 He Fills my life with good things. Everything we have is from the Lord. We are just stewards of all we have. Sometimes I forget that and think I earned something or I deserve….. These times bring me to a point of humility when I think…

  • Grati-TUESDAY


    Well its Grati-Tuesday, but what happened to last week? It was Valentine’s day and everything. I am sorry I missed last week. I try to stay a head with my postings, but it my turn to get sick last week. I had the worst cold I can remember. I am much better now and not…