Visual resources for your quiet time.
Aug 2024: I recently just got hacked and my old website could not be restored so I am building it all over again, so when you click around all the pages are not up do to date. Thanks for being patient while I recover my website. Thanks, Marsha

Welcome to Blessings, a site dedicated to helping you go deeper in your walk with the Lord.. Come and learn to Sketchnote sermons, doodle during your devotiona,ls, and do some brushwork in your Bible study. Check out my blog posts and the tabs at the top for more info. Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to get free exclusive resources from me to you!
10 Day Sketchnote Challenge – Day 1
Join our 10 Day Sketchnote Challenge. Sketchnote your first Sermon TOMORROW. Check out the video and I will show you how. Day 1 Welcome to the Sketchnote Boss 10 Day Sermon Sketchnote ChallengeIf you need the printable, get it by signing up for the newsletter to the right. You will get an email with the…
Inktober 2021
Let’s strengthen our visual thinking skills and get into the Word in a little different way by taking on the Inktober 2021 doodle challenge. Relate each word to a bible verse and then illustrate the verse. My Inktober Process Welcome to October. It’s time for the Inktober 2021 challenge. I find it hard to sit…
#prayers for Afghanistan
The Lord has put it on my heart to pray for Afghanistan. It just breaks my heart to see this country in its current state and the way our exit is going. So I thought if we all prayed a bit and doodled a bit, the Lord will hear all our collective prayers. And of…
#the100dayproject2021 – collective project
Here’s a crazy project we can all do together. #the100dayproject starts January 31, 2021. I thought it would be crazy for us to all do the same project but 100 of us each takes a day to doodle the project. Call me crazy, but this is going to be great fun and we’re going to…
What’s your word of the year for 2021?
In this post we will explore a more focused 2021 by choosing one word to help guide is in our goals and actions. 2020 Recap and 2021 Goals – Mind Map Before I get to the word of the year, I think reviewing last year is an important activity. The process of reviewing my activities…
How to Sketchnote a Recipe
In this post, we learned how to sketchnote a recipe. A sketchnoted recipe makes a special gift during the holidays or for the bride-to-be at her wedding shower. Sketchnoting a recipe is a great way to practice your sketchnoting skills and create a keepsake that people will treasure your work for years to come. How…
Thanksgiving Project Round-up
If you’re looking for a project for Thanksgiving, there are some great projects out there and I thought I’d round them all up for you. Count your Blessings List Counting your blessings is always a great investment of time. Often we are so busy we don’t take time to sit down and take inventory of…
Got any book recommendations?