Join our 10 Day Sketchnote Challenge. Sketchnote your first Sermon TOMORROW. Check out the video and I will show you how.
Day 1
Welcome to the Sketchnote Boss 10 Day Sermon Sketchnote Challenge
If you need the printable, get it by signing up for the newsletter to the right. You will get an email with the link to the member’s only page. Look for project 21-5 and you will see the link to the printable. You will need about 15 sheets of paper.
Be sure to watch the video to join the challenge.

We’re preparing for your first sermon sketchnotes tomorrow. The format is simple. Write a bold title at the top and then right underneath the title write the date, place, and speaker. Then with a pencil divide draw a light line about 2 inches from the right. Take notes on the large space to the left like you normally would except that I want you to print in all capital letters rather than writing in cursive.
Then in the column to the right draw little images or icons in as it makes sense. You can do this during the sermon or after. If you need to look up icons to draw try the Noun Project. They will have lots of inspiration for drawing little icons. Then color if you like. I’d love to see your work so post it on Instagram using #sermonsketchnoteboss #sermonsketchnotes. Also join and post it in the Sermon Sketchnote Boss Facebook group. Can’t wait to see what you do.
Here’s a 5 minute video where you can practice. You can see how I did it in the image above.
Leave a comment on how your first sermon note experience went. Did you like this format?
If you want to practice drawing check out our Inktober challenge
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