Tag: marsha baker

  • Happy Mothers Day!

    Happy Mother’s day! This is the bulletin cover for Mother’s day. I was trying to think about doing something that didn’t involve flowers or butterflies. I was thinking about all the adorable projects my littles did over the years. I was also thinking about how I displayed them so proximately on the refrigerator door. Isn’t…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Protector

    Did you every watch the old Batman TV series? I loved to watch Batman punch the bad guys and when he did there would be a “Pow” or “Ka-Bam” appear on the screen to emphasis that was a big punch and Batman was taking care of the bad guys. I had that vision of “ka-powies”…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – How many hairs are on your head?

      Today’s doodle comes for a devotion from the Doodle Devotional: Loved. The average person has about 70,000 hairs on their head; God knows exactly how many. Imagine you ask God how many hairs you have on your head. I can see God calling Gabe the archangel over and asking him to grab the Book…

  • Doodle Devo Friday: Be overwhelmed

        Today’s Doodle comes from Amaris (which means promise of God – what a beautiful name!) She shared one of her doodles. Be Overwhelmed with God’s love for your everyday! What a great truth to share on a card. I love her colors and the patterns she chose. Thanks for sharing, what a wonderful…

  • Doodle Devo Friday Known– God is good poster – printable.

    Welcome to Doodle Devo Friday. Today I am posting another installment of our study of the character of God in the Doodle Devotional: Known. This week I thought I would share a printable for a mini poster or just a letter printable to fit into your journal. Letter size (8.5 x 11) God is good…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Merciful

          This week’s doodle is from the Doodle Devo: Know., the study of God’s character. I love that our God is so merciful even granting us pardon from our sins especially when we do not deserve it. I am so thankful that I serve a merciful God. So please print the devo sheet…

  • Home School Expo Pics

      Last week I exhibited at the Greater St. Louis Home Educators Expo. It was a great show and I got to meet a lot of very cool doodlers. Thanks so much to Isabelle, Marissa, Amaris and Samantha for sharing your doodles with me. You guys rock! I think we should make some time to…

  • Bulletin Cover – Got your ears on ?

    To introduce the topic of do you have ears to hear – Mark  4:23, the pastor called up the children and talked about a CB radio. Do you even remember a CB radio? The pastor asked the kids to think of a handle. My favorite was Lizard Boy. When I did the cover for the…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Jeremiah 29:11

    THE DEVO Today’s Devo comes from Loved: A Doodle Devotional. The verse is Jeremiah 29:11 says that the Lord has a perfect plan for your life. To understand that plan, we have to be in constant prayer asking the Lord for guidance and direction in decisions we need to make in our lives. God has…

  • Doodle Devo Friday: Rebecca’s Doodle Devo

      I have been hearing from many of you that you love to doodle and the Doodle Devo is just thing to make your devo time really special and a time that allows you to go deep and really slow down and spend some time in the Word. Today’s devo comes from Rebecca who sent…