Did you every watch the old Batman TV series? I loved to watch Batman punch the bad guys and when he did there would be a “Pow” or “Ka-Bam” appear on the screen to emphasis that was a big punch and Batman was taking care of the bad guys. I had that vision of “ka-powies” and “blams” in my head when I started doodling about God being our protector. The verse I focused on was Exodus 14:14: The Lord will fight for you. I love this verse. When I run into life situations where it’s tough of people are against me, I know that God is out there protecting me. He is such an awesome God; He is constantly thinking of us, concerned with our welfare, keeping us safe. That thought makes me thankful and gives me a lot of peace.
So think about how He has protected you and memorize one of the verses while you doodle. Here’s the printable: Protector
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