Tag: Doodle Devotional

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Meet some Friday Devo Dooders

    I got an awesome note from Amy Kron who sets aside Friday to have Doodle Devo time with her kids. They were unable to Doodle Devo on Friday and the kids were disappointed. Here are Amy’s kids, their  ages are  6, 5 and 4 with their doodle devos. The verses they have doodled are Psalm…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – A page from my journal

    Today I thought I would share a page from my 2014 journal. My journal is the catch-all book of things I want to capture. Ideally I’d have a gratitude journal, a prayer journal, a scrapbook, and sketchbook. As much as I would love to be able to devote more time to creating all those journals,…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Micah 6:8

    This week I am going to challenge you to get out with your sketchbook and doodle some interesting patterns, flowers, leaves or anything thing that strikes your fancy. Get in the habit of carrying a small sketchbook around with you. Here’s what I did with my sketchbook. Last week we journeyed to Kansas City Missouri…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Eternal

    Here’s a page from my 2015 Doodle Devo Calendar: Known the study of God’s Character. I love that God is Eternal and that if we choose Him we will spend eternity with Him. He loves us eternally. I love this verse (Isaiah 40:8) The grass may wither and the flowers fall, but the Word of…

  • New Stuff!

      I know I’ve been gone for a few weeks, but I’ve been busy working on two new things. First the 2015 Doodle Devo Calendar. A 12 month calendar ready for you to doodle. And I’ll be introducing my new book: Sermon Sketchnotes at Daybreak, the Harvester Christian Church Women’s Conference this week end. Come…

  • Doodle Devo Friday

      But I am like an Olive tree flourishing in the house of the Lord. I thirst in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever. What an awesome verse. I delight in the Lord and all the blessings He provides. I am so ever thankful. I doodled this and thought I’d post it and then…

  • 7/25/14 Doodle Devo Friday –I AM

      I found this interesting poster that someone did of a quote by Neil DeGrasse Tyson. The quote said, “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it. “  This quotes strikes me as just silly. I know there are truths in science. These truths are called laws…

  • 6/20/14 Doodle Devo Friday –Binder Cover

    I found out about this neat program in the community that gets sponsors to provide schools supplies to kids in the community. I decided to participate. I get to fill a backpack with school supplies and goodies. I thought I would doodle some binder covers for her with a verse. I chose Jeremiah 29:11: For…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Happy Fourth of July

    Today I am sharing a page from my 2014  Gratitude Doodle journal  Thankful to be an American! Hope everyone has a happy a save Fourth of July!

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Exodus 14:14

    This week I thought I’d share a page from my personal doodle devotional. I this is such a great verse. When we run into problems and trouble, we must always remember that the Lord will fight for us, we need only be still. What a comforting verse to know that He is our protector.