Tag: Christian Art

  • Grati-Tuesday #13

    Col. 3:23 Work as though you are working for the Lord. Write something about your job for which you’re thankful. Since my other two posts were about my boys, I thought I would finish my catch up posts with a post about my oldest son. He lives far away on a temporary assignment. He has…

  • Grati-Tuesday #12

    Jer 33: 3  Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.   Are you feeling Lucky? With everyone celebrating St. Patrick’s day this month, I was thinking about  “Luck” and that I really don’t believe in Luck. I think there are no coincidences …

  • April Calendar Available

      Oh my goodness – where did this month go? Here’s the April calendar. You can get the printable by subscribing to the email newsletter. I promise not to share my list with anyone. I hope you have a great time doodling this calendar. I loved spending time on this. The water was fun to do…

  • A Secret Project

    Some of you might have been wondering what happened to my Sermon Sketchnote post last week. I thought I would have time, but I ran out of time. I have been working on a secret project. I spoke at the Girlfriend’s Gathering last week end. Their theme was “My mess, God’s masterpiece” from Eph 2:10.…

  • Grati-TUESDAY #10

      Ps 23: 1 The Lord is my Shepherd; I lack nothing. Prompt: Today, ask for nothing and just be thankful for all you have.   I was struck when I was looking at my calendar today while looking for a date, the first like of Psalm 23 hit me. I lack nothing. I have…

  • Grati-TUESDAY #9

    Grati-TUESDAY #9

      Prompt # 9  Write about a recent purchase  Ps 103:5 He Fills my life with good things. Everything we have is from the Lord. We are just stewards of all we have. Sometimes I forget that and think I earned something or I deserve….. These times bring me to a point of humility when I think…

  • Sermon Sketchnoting Part 2

      Hopefully you tuned in for last week’s post that was the introduction to this series on Sketchnoting. if you missed it you, can get it here. There’s a bit of prep that can help your sketchnotes go smoother, but as it will take me a few weeks to discuss these things, I want to…

  • Grati-TUESDAY


    Well its Grati-Tuesday, but what happened to last week? It was Valentine’s day and everything. I am sorry I missed last week. I try to stay a head with my postings, but it my turn to get sick last week. I had the worst cold I can remember. I am much better now and not…

  • How to Sermon Sketchnote Part 1

    How to Sermon Sketchnote Part 1

      I get a lot of questions on how to start sketching during sermon notes. A lot of people feel intimidated to draw during church having people look over their shoulders. They ask me what to do if they don’t know how to draw something or what to do if they make a mistake. First…

  • #6 Grati-TUESDAY

    #6 Grati-TUESDAY

        Can you believe it’s already Week 6? Today is about work and changing your perspective. Is there something that you don’t really care to do, but it’s really a blessing? I found myself grumbling when I was making a birthday cake – I really don’t cook well and most things don’t turn out…