In this post I share the icon themes I drew for #the100DayProject. I am drawing icons to improve my drawing skills to have more images at the ready when I sketchnote.
You can see last week’s icons here. Or can see them on on Instagram. Follow @blessinks, that’s me! I’d love it if came over and hung out over on Instagram too!

Talk like Shakespeare Day, I am not a big Shakespeare fan, but I thought this would be a challenge to draw, Methinks there iseth even a website to help you speaketh like Shakespeare

Everyone sketchnoter needs to know how to draw a banner.

I’ve never been a Girlie Girl, but have always wanted to be

I don’t draw mechanical things well, so forcing myself to do a little practice today.

I love kitchen gadgets, too bad I am a disaster in the kitchen.
Tune in next week for the next 7 days. This has been a very challenging project to 1. think of something to draw 2. Draw and ink it and 3. Get it published. Whew! It’s hard but it’s been good. I feel a daily art habit developing.
Tune in Friday May 8th at 2 pm Central Time for a Facebook Live where we will be doing things for Mothers Day. I will be having the Facebook live on the Blessinks Page. on Friday April 24th at 2 pm CT.
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