Today we’re in the home stretch. This week you will notice that we are taking our sketchnote skills out of the workbook and into practical applications. Today we are using our food icons to draw a meal or two. I decided to anticipate the meal I am going to have with my children tonight as an early birthday celebration. My children are grown and they live in different states so it is a rare and blessed day when we call all be together.

Here are my sermon notes from yesterday. I tried a different approach; normally I reserve the upper left-hand corner for the details about the sermon. Today I wrote that information up the side of the page and used the entire top of the page for the title. That worked well I thought. On page two the pastor was winding down and I still had half the page left. In wrapping up he reviewed the missions that we support, so I decided to use the space to draw the countries of our missionaries. This helped balance out the page, but there is no crime in just leaving the page blank. There are no rules so it’s fine to leave par to of the page blank. Remember it’s all about the learning.

Our font today was very Greek with it’s angular shape. It’s a unique font that you probably won’t use very often. BUT if you are doing a word study taking the word back to the Greek roots, writing the Greek word in this font could be very powerful.

Lastly today you were to draw all your meals or a special meal. Right now we are planning on going to Chevys and they have my favorite nachos; so in eager anticipation, I drew dinner. I used markers to color in my meal, but light watercolor can also render a nice look. Documenting your meal is a great way to remember the day or you could draw a potential meal on an invitation to dinner or you could draw it on a chalkboard for your next party so everyone knows what is being served. There are tons of practical applications for your sketchnoting skills you just have to give it some thought.
Till tomorrow!
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