Be The Light Bible Journaling Conference
The Be The Light Bible Journaling Conference started on Wednesday, Oct 16 and runs through Friday, Oct 18. I am speaking on Sketchnoting tomorrow at 11:30 CT.
Today I got to hear my dear friend AlanaJoy Dubois from the Happy Unconventional Life blog. You should go and visit if you’re not following her. AlanaJoy also had tons of resources on her blog to help you with your bible study. She showed us how to enhance our bible study by digging down to root words in a verse that we might want to study. Above is her sketchnote on how to use the Blueletterbible.org to help go deeper into a verse or word. I got a ton out of the session. I had heard of the blueletterbible.org but had never visited the site. You can look into Strong’s concordance, bible commentaries, other translations, transliterations, etymology, maps, timelines and a ton more. If you want to go deeper into your bible study this is a great place go start.
If you’ve not attended the conference you can register FREE here. It’s not too late! It was a great day and I can’t wait to see what I learn tomorrow!

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