Free Online Bible Journaling Conference

Hi everyone! Can you find me in the pics above? I am so excited that I am going to be speaking at the Bible Journaling Conference next week. The conference is TOTALLY FREE and you can watch presentations from over 20 speakers.
If you want are going to miss a few sessions you can buy lifetime access to the conference here for $39.
There will be a ton of great ideas to inspire you on new techniques to try in your Bible.
I will be speaking on Sermon Sketchnotes on October 17th at 9:30 am ET. I am going to provide an introduction on the tools we use and what you need to get started. But that’s not all! On October 21st, I am going to start a 21 day sketchnote challenge to have you practice and develop your skills so you’ll be ready to take live sermon notes in no time!
You can get the FREE workbook for my 21 day challenge by joining my mailing list! I will send you the link on the 21st to get the workbook. Then check back with me every day for the next 21 days and I will have a quick video that goes over the day’s activities. Please join me in stretching our sketchnote skills so you can be a Sketchnote boss!

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