Doodle Devo Friday – Alpahbet Verses – A and printable


A Prov 4 12

Working through the alphabet doodling verses – this week is brought to you by the letter A – Proverbs 4:12: As I go forward, step by step, the way will be opened unto me. So you can follow along, here the printable: Print-A- PS 4 12. I’d love to see what yo all do with this verse – send me your printables. What a great verse to commit to memory. As I develop my blog plan I believe that what He wants me to share will be revealed to me.

Technique: I drew and doodled the A then penciled in the verse around it. I made the A too big to use the same lettering style all the way around, so I used to and some fun doodles – feet imprints to emphasize the step by step.

What verse should I do next week?

Print-A- PS 4 12


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