Doodle Devo Friday – The Creator – Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1 Doodle Devo
Genesis 1:1 Doodle Devo

The Creator Pattern Sheet

This week’s Doodle Devo is a page from the Doodle Devotional: Know. This is our study the Character of God. I hope you’ll print out the templates and join me. This week’s verse is Genesis 1:1. In the Beginning God created the heavens the earth.   Everything that we have is from Him; He made all things, and it’s all His. When I look at all the beauty in nature and all the creatures He has made, I am in awe. He is The Creator, the most and best creative Being ever. And He made it all for us, for me! I am overwhelmed by how much He loves us!

Technique: All the patterns used this week are very simple. Refer to the pattern sheet for more details. I started with a colored pencil background on some of the patterns and then added a pattern in colored ink. Notice that I used several different shades in the background to give it a fuller richer look. Sometimes I used more than one color of ink pen as well. Notice I have not used any black in this piece. Also you can read more in the pattern sheet how I added more elements of this following verses in the creation story in my patterns.

Pattern Sheet   The Creator Pattern Sheet

The Creator Outline Template: The Creator ol

COMING UP: Next week I will have a free printable paper box for you to doodle for Valentine’s day. You can doodle it and fill it with goodies to bless someone on Valentine’s Day. Tune in Wednesday for a sneak preview of the box, and on Friday for the free printable.

Also we’re going to have a give away for Valentine’s day since it falls on a Doodle Devo Friday, so stop by and enter and tell your friends to come visit too!


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