Writer Resources

Here are the resources we talked about in the Writing for Children workshop:


How to Write an Author’s Bio  at Hubspot , Annerallen    and  Bookbaby

  • Max words 250
  • Write in 3rd person
  • Be brief on your history
  • List SOME achievements – that are most relevant
  • Write multiple versions


ELEVATOR SPEECH   find articles at  idealistcareers   and  The interview guys

  • It should be 30 seconds or less.
  • Your skill (or how you benefit a potential employer) should be clear.
  • There should be a goal (or ask).

Business Cards – Be memorable

Tip Sheet for Buyers articles:  kunzonpublishing 

  • Jacket cover,
  • ISBN,
  • pricing,
  • summary of book,
  • short author
  • similar book. Testimonial, about the author, selling points

Flyer for Speaking/workshops

  • have at least three topics
  • brief description of each workshop
  • length of workshop
  • maximum participants
  • set up needed, tables,  A/V equipment

Press releases articles at the bookdesigner

  • Headline
  • Contact information
  • Release information
  • Length
  • Summary
  • Link to your website

Selling on Amazon

  • Join KDP select
  • Research Categories
  • Get 5 people to write reviews
  • Sign up for author central
  • Decide on commissions 35% or 70%
  • Add key search words

More Resources

Blogging 101 Workbook



Twitter for authors

video gear