Tag: Visual journaling

  • Grati-TUESDAY #9

    Grati-TUESDAY #9

      Prompt # 9  Write about a recent purchase  Ps 103:5 He Fills my life with good things. Everything we have is from the Lord. We are just stewards of all we have. Sometimes I forget that and think I earned something or I deserve….. These times bring me to a point of humility when I think…

  • March Calendar

    March Calendar

    If you’re an email subscriber you can get your printable for the March 2017 Calendar here. If you’re not a subscriber, sign up today to get on the list. I promise I won’t email too often – weekly mostly. I like to share my quiet time doodles.

  • Sermon Sketchnoting Part 2

      Hopefully you tuned in for last week’s post that was the introduction to this series on Sketchnoting. if you missed it you, can get it here. There’s a bit of prep that can help your sketchnotes go smoother, but as it will take me a few weeks to discuss these things, I want to…

  • Grati-TUESDAY


    Well its Grati-Tuesday, but what happened to last week? It was Valentine’s day and everything. I am sorry I missed last week. I try to stay a head with my postings, but it my turn to get sick last week. I had the worst cold I can remember. I am much better now and not…

  • How to Sermon Sketchnote Part 1

    How to Sermon Sketchnote Part 1

      I get a lot of questions on how to start sketching during sermon notes. A lot of people feel intimidated to draw during church having people look over their shoulders. They ask me what to do if they don’t know how to draw something or what to do if they make a mistake. First…

  • #6 Grati-TUESDAY

    #6 Grati-TUESDAY

        Can you believe it’s already Week 6? Today is about work and changing your perspective. Is there something that you don’t really care to do, but it’s really a blessing? I found myself grumbling when I was making a birthday cake – I really don’t cook well and most things don’t turn out…

  • A brown paper sketchnote and a bulletin cover

    A brown paper sketchnote and a bulletin cover

      I haven’t posted any sketchnotes in a bit, so I thought I’d share what I’ve been up too. I’ve not been happy with my sketchnote format. I have been Sketchnoting on a sheet of card stock but I find I want to have them in a bound book. I knew I didn’t want a…

  • #5 Grati-TUESDAY

      Col 3:15 – And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Our days can have elements of unpleasant things. I think its good to have bad with the good so we appreciate the good things more. So today think of something…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 30!

    Today document your last 4 gratitudes of memories. I decided to go back through my calendar this year and picked things that happened this year. We were blessed to go see Moses in the Sight and Sound theater in Branson, MO. I got to go to El Paso to see my brother; it was a…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 29

    Think back about 4 precious gifts you were given. There is no more precious gift that the gift of salvation from Jesus Christ, but today let’s focus on times when other people blessed you. What things do you treasure? My husband surprised with a beautiful set of pearls on the Valentine’s day after we were…