Tag: The 100 Day Project

  • The 100 Day Project – Iconology – Icons Day 24-31

    The 100 Day Project – Iconology – Icons Day 24-31

    Here’s week 4 of the #the100DayProject. I am increasing my visual vocabulary by drawing a set of icons a day. It is been a challenge to come up with new icon ideas daily. I base some of them on weird holidays. Day #25 -May 1 Space Day. #26 National Herb Day. #28 Star Wars Day…

  • #the100DayProject   ICONOLOGY Days 1 -9

    #the100DayProject ICONOLOGY Days 1 -9

    In this post I will share my first 9 days of the 100 day project where I have chosen to doodle a themed page of Icons (at least 10) every day. #the100DayProject The 100 day project is a project that was started by a graphic design professor, Michael Bierut at the Yale School of Art.…