Tag: marsha baker

  • My decorated Easter Egg

          Bulletin Cover Easter John 3:16 For a lot of folks Easter is a time to dye eggs , and wake up to a cool Easter basket full of candy. But that all falls woefully short of the real reason we celebrate Easter. In doing this week’s bulletin cover, I decided to decorate…

  • Sunday School Poster: Acts 17:28

    My child, you belong to me is one of a series in the HE made me posters that was designed to help teens understand who they are in Christ. We are children of God and we have a Creator. I know that God does not need a dog tag to identify His children, but the…

  • Bulletin Cover Ps. 139:7 Where can I run from your Spirit?

    This week we continued our doctrinal series. The question this week was Where can I run from your Spirit? Ps 139:7. Here’s the link to the sermon if you want to listen. https://www.discoverlifespring.com/736098. I continued with Illuminating the first letter, and added the compas to say that there is no direction we can run to…

  • Sunday School Poster: James 1:17

    Sometimes we tend to forget where everything we have comes from and that everything we own is not really ours, but the Lords. We are just stewards of all our material stuff. He gives us good things to bless us and to help others. So for me remembering this verse is refreshing to know that…

  • Bulletin Cover Acts 9:5 Who are you Lord?

    Bulletin Cover Acts 9:5 Who are you Lord? This week we continued our doctrinal series. The question this week was Who are you Lord? From Acts 9:5. Here’s the link to the sermon if you want to listen. https://www.discoverlifespring.com/782095. I continued with Illuminating the first letter, but I kept it simple to keep the emphasis…

  • Sunday School Poster: 2nd Tim 1:7

        Next time the when the little green monsters of fear and self doubt come knocking on your door, remember 2nd Timothy 1:7. Commit 2nd Timothy 1:7 to memory: what a powerful verse! When we face trails in our lives, we have nothing to fear as God is with us always and He gives…

  • What is Truth?

    Bulletin Cover: What is Truth? This week was our second message on the 10 week Doctrine series. It was a great sermon. You can check it out here: https://www.discoverlifespring.com/736098  I’ll post my sermon sketch notes later this week. Do you believe that every word in the bible is True?

  • Bulletin Cover : Ps 18:31 Who is God besides the Lord?

    I’m taking a manuscript class learning how to illuminate letters. So here’s my first attempt using illustrator. The pastor is starting a 10 week doctrinal series and it seemed appropriate to use illuminated letters to illustrate these doctrinal truths. Here’s the link to the sermon if you want to follow along. https://www.discoverlifespring.com/736098    

  • Sermon Sketching St Louis Family Church – BIind Boys of Alabama

    While my husband and I were on a date to Home Depot, we ran into an old friend who invited us his church, St. Louis Family Church to see the Blind Boys of Alabama perform. So here are my sketch notes from that amazing service. It was the Pastor Jeff Perry’s birthday. It was a…

  • Bulletin Cove – Col. 3:1-4

    Bulletin Cover Col. 3:1-4 Just a quick post with a bulletin cover. If your church would like to use this, please contact me. So today I am purposing to set my heart on things above. This verse is just all about hope and having that constant joy no matter the circumstances.