Tag: marsha baker

  • Doodle Devo Friday Eph 2:5

      I am sorry for absence for the last little bit, but I have been working on a new project. I will share it with you on Monday. In the meantime, here’s a Doodle Devo from my journal. I was thinking about the awesome and perfect way that God a made for us to be…

  • Welcome Back Sunday Bulletin Cover

    Bulletin Cover Back to Church Sunday We had a great service with lots of new faces this Sunday. The Drama team put on a great skit that got me thinking…. This was actually not an easy cover to design. First there was no verse to focus on and how do you give Welcome a new…

  • CS Lewis Quote

    A couple of weeks ago Dave gave a great message on Phil 3:20 and incorporated this CS Lewis quote in the message. I was so moved by the stark truth of this quote that I had to go home and illustrate it. Thanks Dave for sharing this and inspiring me to visualize this quote and…

  • Happy Labor Day Col. 3:23

    Bulletin Cover Colossians 3:23 Happy Labor day. Just a few tools that we use when we work. Take time to rest and relax and enjoy your family today.

  • Bulletin Cover Philippians 4:8

    The verse for this week’s sermon was Philippians 4:8. This is such a great verse. Think on these things. I looked at several different translations and use these things to think on to spell out Whatever. It was a fun typography project. Doug Graham gave the message that you can find here:  https://www.discoverlifespring.com  

  • Sermon Sketchnote: Matthias Lot

    Sermon Sketch Notes: Matthias Lot We had the opportunity to visit Matthias Lot Church back in July. I’m just getting around to posting my sermon sketchnotes now. It was a great visit with a great message by the Pastor, Marc Sikma. The music was great, and the folks were really friendly. Here’s the link to…

  • Philippians 3:20 Citizen of Heaven

      Philippians 3:20 Citizen of Heaven The verse for this week’s sermon was Philippians 3:20. I decided to take a different route rather than a passport and add dog tags to show our loyalty to the Father. Dave  Simon gave a great message. You can click on sermon archives at  https://www.discoverlifespring.com

  • Doodle Devo Friday: Hope printable Card

      Doodle Devo: Hope This week’s Doodle Devo is a free printable card that you can use to doodle some joy and encouragement into someone’s life. I have a friend going through a tough time right now and this was the perfect card to doodle and send! Here’s the link to the print the .pdf…

  • Philippians 3:1 2: Press on Towards the Goal

      The verse for this week’s sermon was Philippians 3:12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. We were blessed to have Pastor Dave Putthoff of the Open Range Fellowship https://openrangefellowship.com/…

  • Doodle Devo: JOY – Printable!

    Doodle Devo: JOY! This week’s Doodle Devo is a free printable card that you can use to doodle some joy and encouragement into someone’s life. We did several cards at our Progressive Ladies Lunch Bunch. We went to multiple houses and had a course and an activity at each house. It was a wonderfully fun…