Tag: marsha baker

  • Doodle Devo Friday Proverbs 4:23

      I was going back through some old  sketchbooks and found this doodle of Proverbs 4:23. There is such wisdom and discernment in this verse. One to commit to memory.  

  • Doodle Devo Friday

      But I am like an Olive tree flourishing in the house of the Lord. I thirst in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever. What an awesome verse. I delight in the Lord and all the blessings He provides. I am so ever thankful. I doodled this and thought I’d post it and then…

  • 7/25/14 Doodle Devo Friday –I AM

      I found this interesting poster that someone did of a quote by Neil DeGrasse Tyson. The quote said, “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it. “  This quotes strikes me as just silly. I know there are truths in science. These truths are called laws…

  • 6/20/14 Doodle Devo Friday –Binder Cover

    I found out about this neat program in the community that gets sponsors to provide schools supplies to kids in the community. I decided to participate. I get to fill a backpack with school supplies and goodies. I thought I would doodle some binder covers for her with a verse. I chose Jeremiah 29:11: For…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Exodus 14:14

    This week I thought I’d share a page from my personal doodle devotional. I this is such a great verse. When we run into problems and trouble, we must always remember that the Lord will fight for us, we need only be still. What a comforting verse to know that He is our protector.

  • Happy Graduation Graduates!

      Happy Graduation graduates!

  • Doodle Devo Friday: Isaiah 40:8

    Here’s a new doodle. I love the verse from Isaiah 40:8 that the grass may wither and the flowers may fall, but the word of the Lord will last forever. What an amazing verse to commit to memory. No matter what happens in your life God is unchanging and we can count on the truth…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – A doodle heart

    Today I thought I’d share a page from my 2012 Doodle journal. Two years ago some very dear people got married. I doodled this in my journal to celebrate their day. Two years later they are celebrating their two year wedding anniversary and are as happy as ever. They even have a new baby, he’s…

  • Celebrating Memorial Day

        Thankful for all the veterans who have served to keep us free.

  • Doodle Devo Friday – A Review

    Today’s Doodle Devo is from Loved. I finished Jeremiah 31:3. I love this doodle. The Lord gave me this idea to make His declaration of love for me like an old fashioned Victorian Valentine’s Card. I get overwhelmed when I think about how much He loves me. I am very honored to be featured in…