Tag: Bulletin Cover

  • Bulletin Cover – The 12 Apostles

    The sermon this week was on Mark 3:13-19 on Jesus choosing the 12 apostles. Our Pastor gave a great sermon (as usual!!) He discussed the choosing of the apostles, and then he asked if we would be followers of Jesus if we had lived back in Jesus’ time. I really struggled with this cover, trying…

  • Bulletin Cover – Brazil

    One of our recent graduates decided to postpone her college for a bit a go on an extended mission trip to Brazil. She taught at an elementary boarding school for missionary kids. She had an awesome experience and we were so blessed to hear about her trip. Since Brazil is such a big country and…

  • Bulletin Cover – Isaiah 58:13-14 – Call the Sabbath a Delight

    Great sermon on God’s plan for our day of rest. Our bodies need a rest, but not to do anything we want, but doing things that horror the Lord. May next Sunday be a blessed day of holiness and rest for you. You can listen to this great message here: https://audio.discoverlifespring.com/sermons/20140112.mp3

  • We wish you a La La La La and a Happy New Year

      So what would the New Year look like without Christmas? Dave S. He was our guest speaker. When he gave me the topic, I have to admit, I had to really ponder this to come up with a bulletin cover. However I got lots of positive feedback that I nailed the spirit of the…

  • Bulletin Cover Mark 1:17 Fishers of Men

    This week’s bulletin cover was easy as this idea has been rolling around for a while. I asked myself, from a Biblical perspective how do you become a fisher of men? It seemed to me that you “catch” someone by being different and fruitful – as in the fruits of the spirit. This lead me…

  • Bulletin Cover Mark 1:12-13 – Temptation

      This week’s cover was at first a bit of a challenge. It’s a verse about Jesus being tempted and being the desert for 40 days. How will I ever illustrate that? Then God just put the image in my head and it was easy after that. I am pleased with the result. You can…

  • Welcome Back Sunday Bulletin Cover

    Bulletin Cover Back to Church Sunday We had a great service with lots of new faces this Sunday. The Drama team put on a great skit that got me thinking…. This was actually not an easy cover to design. First there was no verse to focus on and how do you give Welcome a new…

  • Bulletin Cover Philippians 4:8

    The verse for this week’s sermon was Philippians 4:8. This is such a great verse. Think on these things. I looked at several different translations and use these things to think on to spell out Whatever. It was a fun typography project. Doug Graham gave the message that you can find here:  https://www.discoverlifespring.com  

  • Philippians 3:20 Citizen of Heaven

      Philippians 3:20 Citizen of Heaven The verse for this week’s sermon was Philippians 3:20. I decided to take a different route rather than a passport and add dog tags to show our loyalty to the Father. Dave  Simon gave a great message. You can click on sermon archives at  https://www.discoverlifespring.com

  • Philippians 3:1 2: Press on Towards the Goal

      The verse for this week’s sermon was Philippians 3:12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. We were blessed to have Pastor Dave Putthoff of the Open Range Fellowship https://openrangefellowship.com/…