Tag: blessinks

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Psalm 52:8

    Today I thought I’d share a page from my devotional journal. I really enjoyed revisiting this verse. I long to live this verse “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of the Lord, I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.” Psalm 52:8 I completed it using only a…

  • Illustrated St. Louis Food

    I love looking at illustrated recipes. I have never tried one before, so I thought I’d Sketch one out for the Sketchnote Workshop participants –and yes I brought along some Gooey Butter Cookies. They were a hit and many had never heard of or had tried them before. I was also fascinated with all the…

  • Sketchnote Road Trip

    Last week I had the opportunity to hear the guru of Sketchnoting  speak – Mike Rohde. It was a great session! Here’s a page from my travel journal with the page from my Nashville trip.

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Sketchnoting in Nashville

      This week I’m focused on skethcnoting. Here’s the sketchnotes I did while attending an Intervarsity talk at SIUE last week. Sam Baker gave a great talk. So glad I attended. This week I’m off to Nashville to attend the Sketchnote Workshop with the guru of sketchnoting – Mike Rohde. Can’t wait!  

  • Doodle devo Friday – Happy Easter

      I thought I would share the paint chip bulletin covers I did for Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter. What an awesome God we serve – who loves us with an Everlasting Love (Jer 31:3)!

  • Doodle Devo Friday – April Calendar and Basket Winner

    Thanks for everyone who stopped by or attended the Sermon Sketchnote workshop at the Home School Expo last week. I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed talking to everyone. I love all the budding artists who were there. Thanks for sharing your doodles with me. The winner of the Expo Basket was Adelyn.…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Homeschool Expo

    This week the Home School Expo is being held at 1st Free Evangelical Church in West County  at 1375 Carman Road. I’ll be speaking at 12:30, room 311. Come on by and we’ll sketch note together! Here’s some pics of my new sign, booth and my hand doodle give away basket. Hope to see you…

  • Anatomy of a Sketchnote

    I hope to see you at the St. Louis Home School Expo next week. I will be speaking in room 311 at 12:30 on Friday. I hope you can make it so we can learn how to sketchnote together! I took one of my sketchnotes and highlighted somethings you might want to include in your…

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Sermon Sketchnoting at the Homeschool Expo!

      For the month of March I am going to share some of my Sermon Sketchnotes. Adding a visual element to your sermon notes or to  note taking during quite times will really enhance your studies. It will help you remember what’s being said and it will help your recall. You can learn how to Sermon…

  • Doodle Devo Basket for Lights of St. Charles

      We Love St. Charles is sponsoring a talent show on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at Mathias Lot Church. (click for directions). It will be great fun, and there will be a silent auction. Here’s a Doodle Devo basket I’ve donated for the auction. Hope to see you there, it’s going to be a fun…