Category: Verse

  • Luke 21:7 When Will These Things Happen?

      The last sermon in the 10 week doctrine series ended with Luke 21:7. When will these things happens. Here’s the link to the sermons for May 19 and May 26, 2013. Just click on sermon archives at

  • Job 38:1 And God answered Job in a whirlwind and said…

      Here’s a page from my devotional journal I did today. I decided to illustrate a Job 38:1 as I read a post from Pastor Phil Nelson about God’s use of Whirlwinds. Pastor Phil is pastor at Lakeland Baptist Church in Carbondale, Illinois. Here’s the link to his post: In the meantime my prayers…

  • Women’s Meeting-Container Gardening – Ezekiel 17:8

    Women’s Meeting-Container Gardening – Ezekiel 17:8 Friday I led a gardening workshop at LifeSpring Community Church, As I prepared I was struck by the number of verses in the bible that relate our spiritual walk with garden analogies. The first thing you have to do before you plant is to make sure you have…

  • Happy Mothers Day – Proverbs 31

    Sorry to be absent from posting for a bit, but life got a vote. But I thought I’d share my Proverbs 31 print to celebrate Mother’s Day. So call your mom on Sunday and honor her.

  • Sermon Sketchnotes : PS 8:3-4 Who is Man that You would care for him?

    Sermon Sketch notes on Psalm 8:3-4. When you consider how AWESOME GOD is, it’s an overwhelming thought that HE would even care for us. We are so small in the realm of the heavens and the earth, yet God loves us and cares of us and is concerned about what we are concern with. (Ps…

  • Bulletin Cover Psalms 8:3-4

      Bulletin Cover Psalms 8:3-4 Here’s the bulletin cover for Sunday continuing our 10 week doctrinal series. Here’s the link if you’d like to listen to the sermon: This was a fun cover to design pondering why God in all his glory and power would even care for us. We are so small compared…

  • Gentleness Poster

    Sunday School Poster: Character Series Col 3:12 – Gentleness I did a series of Character posters for Lake Williamson Christian Center that focused on character qualities and incorporating verses into the piece. This is the poster on Gentleness taken from Colossians 3:12: Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you…

  • Happy Spring Eph 3:20

    Sunday School Poster: Eph 3:20 So I think Spring might finally be arriving in St. Louis. I hear birds and my daffodils are blooming. They even survived the snow last week. I just thought it would be a great time to post my illustration for Ephesians 3:20. This is my life verse, it just speaks…

  • My decorated Easter Egg

          Bulletin Cover Easter John 3:16 For a lot of folks Easter is a time to dye eggs , and wake up to a cool Easter basket full of candy. But that all falls woefully short of the real reason we celebrate Easter. In doing this week’s bulletin cover, I decided to decorate…

  • Sunday School Poster: Acts 17:28

    My child, you belong to me is one of a series in the HE made me posters that was designed to help teens understand who they are in Christ. We are children of God and we have a Creator. I know that God does not need a dog tag to identify His children, but the…