Sketchnote Ukraine

Praying for Ukraine Part 4

This week as we continue praying for Ukraine, let’s learn more about the country we are praying for. Your challenge this week is to do a sketchnote fact sheet on Ukraine to help better understand the people of Ukraine. Find at least 10 facts about Ukraine and sketchnote them. 

What does the flag look like? What is the national flower? How many people live in Ukraine? What are their major exports? What makes them famous? Are there key events in their history? Ukraine is a large diverse country so I can’t wait to see what you all come up with so we can all learn more about this country to know better how to pray for them. I titled mine as It’s All About U! This is the tag line that the tourism industry used to get people to visit Ukraine. This year might not be the best year to visit, but hopefully sometime soon!

Sketchnote Ukraine

Draw as many images as you can to support your 10 facts. Post your fact sheet in the Sketchnote Boss Facebook group on Twitter or Instagram using #snboss and #prayingforukraine. Here are some websites to help you get started in learning more about Ukraine. Pray for Ukraine while you’re sketchnoting.

Nations ONline

CIA Factbook

Where else can you look for information?
Do you know anyone in Ukraine or has been to Ukraine?

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Post your cards in the Sketchnote Boss Facebook group on Twitter or Instagram using #snboss and #prayingforukraine

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You can check out Part 1 of the series here


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