If you’re looking for a project for Thanksgiving, there are some great projects out there and I thought I’d round them all up for you.
Count your Blessings List
Counting your blessings is always a great investment of time. Often we are so busy we don’t take time to sit down and take inventory of all that the Lord had blessed us with. Although I live the challenge of writing down 100 things you are grateful for, its had to sit down and do that on Thanksgiving day. There’s so much prep and things to do – even if you’re not having a big do this year, it might still be a busy day. Here are some ideas to help you get to 100 things you’re thankful for by the end of the month.
A roll of paper
Bold makers
Tape to hang your list
- Get a roll of short paper and cut it the height of a blank wall or the fridge and have everyone write their gratitudes on the paper. You can have everyone write anywhere on the paper, or the kids can pre-number the roll so collectively you can all get to 100 things.
- Challenge yourself and family to draw things on their list.
Draw your gratitudes
To help get you stated, here’s a quick video where I demonstrate how to draw a few Thanksgiving Icons
Gratitude idea generator
Here’s a short list of ideas to get you started about things you’re thankful for. Here are two blogs that have over 100 ideas to help you add to your list. Eric at the Antimaximal has a list of 100 items and Rachel from Declutter the Mind has a list of 175 items which might spark a few ideas for your own list.

You can always grab the ebook – Count Your Blessings in my Etsy Shop. It’s a guided journal to help you get to 100 things you’re thankful for. You can print off multiple copies to keep the kids busy on Thanksgiving Day. (Its on sale right now for $4)

Gratitude Junk Journal
Eden Keefe, a Visual Faith (TM) coach shared her project of junk journaling with us.
Gratitude Garland

I love my gratitude garland. I keep it up all year long, although I move it to a spare bedroom in the off-months. Gratitude Garland is the creation of Connie Denniger, one of the co-founders of Visual Faith Ministries (TM).
Gratitude garland is a great project where you take 3 cords or heavy twine cut into 4 – 6 foot lengths and weave them together. From there you can begin to hang tags, pictures or anything meaningful off the cord to create the garland.
Here’s a video from Visual Faith ministries (TM) on how to make a gratitude garland hosted by Ann Gillapie, a visual faith coach. Or you can check out the blog post we did on Gratitude Garland. In my post I refer to a free printable packet that has templates for tags and other goodies. You can get that packet by joining the mailing list over to the right. The welcome email will have a link to the Member’s Only Page. This is a free resource.
Projects for kids

Thanks to Merri Dennis for providing a project for the kids. Check out her blog at BibleCraftsandActivities.com Find a few moments to enjoy a thanksgiving coloring page in the midst of the preparations for the meal and guests. Or, print and share these coloring pages with some little ones in your life who need a quiet activity.
Mini Gratitude Journal
Here’s a page from my mini- gratitude journal. I started with 4 sheets of watercolor paper. I did a watercolor wash or Gelli plate on both sides and then cut it in half. Here’s the link to the blog where I demonstrated how to make the mini-book.
Abundantly Blessed

Announcing Abundantly Blessed a 52 week gratitude journal is back. I have a few copies of the 8.5 x 7″ size. I am reformatting the book to the smaller half size so it’s easier to take along where ever you go. This is a 52 week guided journal that will help you list your weekly gratitudes and then there’s a page for bigger doodles and a more focused gratitude project. Check it out at my ETSY shop where I have a quick flip through of my personal gratitude journal.
Please leave a comment about one of these projects or a project you did this Thanksgiving
Disclosure I am an Amazon Affiliate.
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