Sketchnote summer camp treehouse challenge

Sketchnote Summer Camp – Let’s make a Treehouse

We are going to sketchnote a treehouse. We all need our quiet spaces and making a treehouse seemed to be a good way to represent a quiet place.

My Inspriation

My inspiration for this post comes from Lorraine’s grandson. He sketched this treehouse earlier this summer and it seemed that we all need a treehouse in our lives. We need somewhere we can go where it’s private and quiet and it’s our own little space. Where is that space you find peace and can spend some time along talking the Lord? For me, I love spending time in my garden. I neglected it last year so it was a lot of work to get back in shape. I found small trees growing in it. Whew! But it’s coming along nicely – what do you think? I have this lovely glider where I sit and read, or doodle or just be. We all need a place we can just be still. Where’s your place?

Let’s sketchnote a treehouse

I created a Pintrest board for tree houses. You can access it here for inspiration. This came from one of those images. Katrina was drawing and posting daily a few years ago and this was one of her daily doodles. Here’s another quick video from Shoo Raynor on how to draw a treehouse. For me I drew in the house part with pencil and then I drew in the trunk. After that I scribbled in circles and half circles to create the leaves. When coloring I used the lighter green everywhere and then I dabbed in other greens going from lighter to darker to get the effect of the light shining through the trees from the back.

You can make your treehouse anyway you want to. You can make it realistic so you can build your treehouse someday or can make it whimsical like mine that looks like a fun place to go. Here’s another treehouse I did based on this picture. It seemed to just be a great shape for a treehouse. Here’s my before picture. You will see that there are some yellow spots. I have used masking fluid to cover over spots where I want to keep the paper white so I can add vibrant colors later.


For both of these I used a permanent pen – a Sharpie Pen here to draw the tree and tree house then I added in watercolor. I used my starter Koh-I Noor water color set to color this page.

Here’s my finished treehouse. I’d love to see you post your tree house in the Sermon Sketchnote Boss Facebook Group

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Sketchnote Summercamp 2020
Sketchnote Summer Camp Lets make a tree house