21 Day Sketchnote Challenge- Day 7

Welcome to Day 7. Today we are going to practice our Serif font and use our lettering and doodling and sketchnote skills outside the sketchbook. Today I want you to write someone a snail mail letter using doodles and icons.

Write a letter

This was a challenge for me – Yikes! Someone else is going to see it. It’s risky, but put yourself out there. Taking the time to doodle a letter is a very affirming thing. By taking the time to write and doodle it up you are telling someone that they are important to you. It will really bless someone.

Thank you note inside

My husband is a pastor and our church celebrates Pastor Appreciation in October. We were blessed with two gift cards. One was to Home Depot which is my husband’s idea of a date night. I’m not complaining because often I am the beneficiary of whatever project he is working on.

I can’t wait to see what you all do with your letters.

Till tomorrow, Marsha


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