Inktober 2018 Days 1-5

Hello Everyone,

Here’s day 1 through 5 for Inktober. I will be posting my week’s work on Fridays. You can see my daily progress on Instagram – @blessinks.

Day 1

Hosea 10:4

There are several verses about poison, but this verse jumped out at me. I was thinking poison ivy, since I am allergic. If I walk by it, I get it and am miserable for the next 10 days.

Day 2

Prov 14:30

I liked the ERV translation that actually used the word tranquil – the Word of the day. I decided to get back to my roots and doodle it up.

Day 3

#inktober2018 Day 3 Roast. Loving this challenge.

Roast brought  up Proverbs 12:27 and the idea of a spit and roasting an animal came to mind. I was blessed when I got a comment that this verse was blessing. The lady in the Bible Journal For Non Artists Facebook group said she was feeling burned out with school and family and that this was motivation to press on. God’s Word never comes back empty.

Day 4

#inktober2018. Day 4 spell. I used my new alcohol inks. Too fun.

I could not find the exact word SPELL, so I looked for the context of the underworld. There was the verse in 2 Samuel where Saul conjures up Samuel with the Witch of Endor, but I liked this verse better. So far this is my favorite. I was struggling drawing a crystal ball and a medium or hands over the ball. Then I thought maybe I’ll draw a snowman since I don’t draw people well. And then I wondered would the snowman would dread seeing in his crystal ball – the beach.

Day 5

Day 5 – Luke 22:34 – is probably the most famous chicken in the Bible. So I used my new alcohol inks and had some fun with this one.

Till next week!



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