Count Your Blessings Day 25


4 things you bought recently

What are 4 things you recently purchased? God is gracious to give us everything we need so what have purchased recently? I ordered my son a t shirt for Christmas. He went to this store, but it was closed so he could not get it. I ordered it and he’ll have it for Christmas – so it’s a secret, so don’t tell. I also purchased a turkey for Thanksgiving and I ordered exercise bands and replaced the mini blinds in the kitchen. After 35 years it seemed like a good time to replace them.

So I am thankful for the funds to get the things I need and want. I feel very blessed as I write down over 80 things I am thankful for. What about you?

Get today’s printable here cyb25

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.

On cyber Monday I am going to post a coupon code for 20% off. Email subscribers will get the code early so they can shop all week end.




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