Count Your Blessings Day 24



Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have wonderful day and a memorable meal!

Memorable meal

Maybe today being Thanksgiving will create good memories. It’s  always a memorable time seeing people you don’t often get to see. But my recent memorable meal was very impromptu. My brother was in town and I found out that our nephew and his sons were also in town. So we splurged and went to an escape room. An escape room is where you are locked in a room where you have to solve puzzles to get out in 60 minutes. We escaped with 39 seconds to spare. We came back to the house and we ate whatever was in the fridge. I think we had macaroni and chicken paninis. It was simple meal, but it was great to visit and get beyond the how are yous that I tend to only have time for on holidays.

What’s on the menu for your memorable meal?

Get today’s printable here cyb24

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.

On cyber Monday I am going to post a coupon code for 20% off. Email subscribers will get the code early so they can shop all week end.




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