Count Your Blessings Day 22



Money isn’t everything, but having a little money or a good income stream can certainly reduce stress. First and foremost let’s remember that James 1:17 says that every good gift comes from My hand. Everything we have is a gift from the Lord. You may think you bought your house or you landed that job, but in reality He provided it for you. We are all stewards of the stuff we possess. It’s really all His.

So looking around financially, what are some financial blessings that you have and are maybe taking for granted? Your job? Savings? Your ability to save for retirement? Take a moment and find something to be thankful in regards to finances.

My husband and I both teach on line which can have a sporadic schedule. Recently,  we were both offered two classes to teach that we were not planning on. As we both only work part time, this was a huge blessing. And finally we got a small rebate in the mail –totally unexpected, so I used that to get a few things for the kitchen.

How has God blessed you financially?

Get today’s printable here cyb22

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.

Till tomorrow!



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