Count Your Blessings Day 19



Unexpected blessings

It’s the little things that bless me. To me it shows me that God is so focused on me and my life, and He delights to bless me in small ways. My oldest son has an out of town assignment and I only get to see me once every one or two months. Through a series of unusual events, I’ve gotten to see him three times in the past six weeks. It’s for a short week end, but it’s a precious time none-the-less. I also just found out that my birthday twin who lives in Ohio is passing through St. Louis this week; it’s been a bit since we’ve connected, so I am looking forward to seeing her. And finally this Count Your Blessings Gratitude challenge is touching more people that I ever imagined and the feedback so positive and touching I am so blessed that everyone is participating.

The Winner from my Birthday give away is Melanie R. from Norman OK. I’ve emailed you. I’ll get The Abundantly Blessed  gratitude journal in the mail to you on Monday. Thanks everyone for participating. There will be another give away on the 30th so stay tuned.

Get today’s printable here cyb19

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.

Till tomorrow!



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