Count Your Blessings Day 17


What’s on your essentials list? Things that you keep near you – are any of these things luxuries? Like Kleenex? I keep a box in every room – it’s a luxury that I don’t want to take for granted. I also never go anywhere without lip balm and a book. I am dependent on the Internet and as the weather is getting colder, I am thankful for warm socks and a warm jacket. What’s on your essentials list?

Get your printable here:cyb17

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.

Friday I am going to have a drawing for one of my Gratitude Journals. To enter the drawing:

  1. Be on my email list
  2. Repost my blog using the hashtag #blessinks100gratitudes on twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
  3. Leave a comment on my blog.

I will draw from everyone who has done one of the three things above through midnight Friday November 18, 2016. I will announce the winner on Saturday November 19th.

Till Tomorrow,



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