Count Your Blessings Day 16


What do you hope for?

I hope that some way we wake up as a country and be a people that loves the Lord.

I hope that we as a country find our way of our financial mess and reduce our spending and our debt.

I hope too that my boys find their best purpose to serve the Lord.

My hope is in the only one who can do anything about these things. My hope is in You Lord.

What are your hopes?

I got candy canes in my head and thought I’d do something in red and green. I used a rule to draw the angle and then followed that line through all the letters. I made a 5 line patterned and repeated it so it would look balanced and have some continuity. I did this all with a red and green marker.

Get your printable here cyb16

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.

Friday I am going to have a drawing for one of my Gratitude Journals. To enter the drawing:

  1. Be on my email list
  2. Repost my blog using the hashtag #blessinks100gratitudes on twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
  3. Leave a comment on my blog.

I will draw from everyone who has done one of the three things above through midnight Friday November 18, 2016. I will announce the winner on Saturday November 19th.

Till Tomorrow,



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