Count Your Blessing Day 15


We’re at the half way point of the month and we’re over half way to our 100 Gratitudes.

What are 3 talents the Lord had blessed you with?

Read Matt 7:7-21 – the Parable about the Talents. Many people feel that this parable is about managing money and investing wisely. Certainly there are applications there, but I also think it can apply to our talents and abilities. I think we need to push ourselves to develop out talents and try new things to push out of our comfort zone. The more we are able to do the more we can do to serve Him and serve others.

It’s hard to toot your own horn, but when we acknowledge our talents we are really acknowledging that our talents are God-given. We need to thank Him for our talents. And then further find ways to use our talents to bless others and find ways to glorify Him.

I am by no means a fine artist or do I even particularly draw well, but I love design and doodles. I can’t help myself. A blank piece of paper is just an opportunity to doodle it up. I realized that when I started doodling during my quiet time, I went deeper and my quiet times were meaningful. I have tried to journal many times but I do not like to write – truth be told, writing blog posts are hard for me. I realized that if doodling during devo time was good for me, maybe it was good for others as well. My speaking and workshops have been so rewarding as I see others love doodling too and using it in their quiet times.

Service is my spiritual gift. I love to help with service projects. I especially like to volunteer for the clean up duty. Everyone is around to help set up but then after the event people are tired and want to get home. I like to show up at the end to clean up and help the organizer get home sooner. And finally I love teaching. Surprisingly I teach accounting. I think because I am so not wired as an accountant, this is actually a plus to explain accounting to future managers who are not going to be accountants.

What talents has God blessed you with?

Here’s today’s printable cyb15

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.


gratitude rooted in humility

A  page from my gratitude Journal – Abundantly Blessed –

Friday I am going to have a drawing for one of my Gratitude Journals. To enter the drawing:

  1. Be on my email list
  2. Repost my blog using the hashtag #blessinks100gratitudes on twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
  3. Leave a comment on my blog.

I will draw from everyone who has done one of the three things above through midnight Friday November 18, 2016. I will announce the winner on Saturday November 19th.


Till Tomorrow,


Till Tomorrow!





2 responses to “Count Your Blessing Day 15”

  1. Thank you for the Count your Blessings Challenge. I have not done any of them yet, because I plan to print them all out once they have been posted and make them into 2 books and I look forward to doing one next month and giving the other away as a gift. I’ve looked at each days page and they look like they will be fun to do. Thanks for sharing the gift God has given you to bless others.

    1. Rana

      That’s a good idea. I plan to put several in stockings this year. Blessings, Marsha

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