Count You Blessings Day 14 – Give away Friday 11/18


What’s on your mind? I am grateful that the Lord is concerned about the things wer’re concerned about. There’s nothing too small in our lives that He is not interested in.

Currently, health Insurance is  on my mind. My husband is now retired so we purchase our own insurance. Our monthly premiums are twice what our house payment used to be. This plan is only available for another year and I worry about the finding a new plan that meets our needs and is yet affordable. I’d love to keep my doctors, but that might be too hopeful. Therefor my health and weight are key on my mind – losing weight will make me healthier and hopefully reduce premiums.

Here’s today’s printable cyb14

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.

abundantly blessed cover


Friday I am going to have a drawing for one of my Gratitude Journals. To enter the drawing:

  1. Be on my email list
  2. Repost my blog using the hashtag #blessinks100gratitudes on twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
  3. Leave a comment on my blog.

I will draw from everyone who has done one of the three things above through midnight Friday November 18, 2016. I will announce the winner on Saturday November 19th.

Till Tomorrow,



4 responses to “Count You Blessings Day 14 – Give away Friday 11/18”

  1. I am praying for another’s health and insurance concerns. It’s my honor to lift you up as well.

    1. Oh thank you! Blessings to you! Marsha

  2. Thank you sooooo much for this!!! I’m actually doing this with 3 of my children AND my mom!!! God bless you!!

    1. Thanks for your kind words. I would love to see what your kiddos are doing with this.

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