Count Your Blessings – Day 10


So far this has been the hardest page. Do I pick people I know or famous people who did courageous things? I admire Malala the Pakistani girl who was shot, but continued  to speak out about treatment of women in Pakistan, or famous people like Eleanor Roosevelt or artists I love like Mary Engelbreit? I decided to stay close and pick a few people who awe me just by doing their everyday stuff. Jen has some health challenges, always has praise for the Lord on her lips, Becky is a tireless servant tending to the needs of everyone the Lord puts in her path and for Joan and Janis who left the comforts of their home to serve as missionaries. These ladies inspire me to be go deeper, serve more and be a better person.

You can get the printable here cyb10

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.

Till Tomorrow,



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