Announcement: 2016 Word of the Year

2015 color of the year

Every year Pantone  announces the color of the next year in early December. They should be announcing the 2016 color of the year later this week. Can’t wait to find out what it will be. Look around and you’ll see the color for 2016 in popping up all over the place on fabric, on dishes, home goods, paper goods…Everywhere!

What do you think the color will be? People in the know seem to think it will be a shade of blue – teal maybe? Stay tuned….

I decided that if Pantone can have a color of the year then I can have a word of the year.

Here’s my big announcement:



It all started a while ago when my friend felt that the Lord wanted her to focus on the word “ABIDE”; just basking the in the presence of the Lord. I thought that was a great thing so I prayed and felt that the Lord was leading me to be more grateful ,being more aware of the blessings that I so often overlook or take for granted. It is my desire to cultivate a grateful heart.

I’ll share my story of how I got convicted about this word in a later post.

I ask you to join me on this journey and start a gratitude journal. For the month of December I will be posting about the benefits of a gratitude journal, how to start a journal and the materials you’ll need to start a journal. We’re going to get started on January 1, 2016.

To help you along the journey, I have created a list of 365 gratitude prompts that I will share in the coming days. For now pray about starting a gratitude journal.  


4 responses to “Announcement: 2016 Word of the Year”

  1. What a beautiful post and a wonderful outlook to head into 2016! I’ve chosen a word of the year each year and this year will be our year of Adventure! As a christian wife, mom and blogger, it’s hard to always know what the mind and heart will want to blog about, and it’s nice to meet other christian bloggers – part of my WOTY Adventure!

    Blessings for the new 2016 year and looking forward to your future posts!

    1. marsha Avatar

      Adventure – what a great word. Can’t wait to see where your adventures take you!

  2. You have one of the best internet websites

    1. Thank you so much for that good word. I try to find fun and interesting things to post to help everyone get visual in the Word. Blessings, Marsha

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