Doodle Devo Friday – Micah 6:8

This week I am going to challenge you to get out with your sketchbook and doodle some interesting patterns, flowers, leaves or anything thing that strikes your fancy. Get in the habit of carrying a small sketchbook around with you. Here’s what I did with my sketchbook.

Last week we journeyed to Kansas City Missouri and we visited the National World War 1 Museum at Liberty Memorial. It was very interesting. It’s an extensive museum. It originally opened in 1926  but closed in the 1990s. It expanded and reopened in 2006. It’s worth the time to visit. I came armed with my sketchbook. I filled up several pages. This page is from the old section, the memory hall. The original room is full of ornate tile work on the floor and a beautiful ornate arched metal works around the entrance. It was a beautiful arch with lots of interwoven vines and flowers. My quick sketch doesn’t do it justice and my picture didn’t turn out well.

WW 1 sketchbook


I decided to take the arch and use it as the basis for my doodle verse this week. Micah 6:8 has been on my mind. So what do you think? So next time you go out grab your sketchbooks and start doodling!



Micah 6:8
Micah 6:8


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2 responses to “Doodle Devo Friday – Micah 6:8”

  1. Just wanted to let you know that my kids and I do Doodle Devotions on Fridays for our Bible class. They are 6, 5 and 4. They all look forward to it. A couple Fridays ago I skipped the doodle. They didn’t like that one bit. (But it’s Friday, Mom!) Thanks for the great inspiration!

  2. How neat to know that. I’d love to see some of their doodles!

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