Doodle Devo Friday – How many hairs are on your head?

God knows how many hairs are on your head.
God knows how many hairs are on your head.


Today’s doodle comes for a devotion from the Doodle Devotional: Loved. The average person has about 70,000 hairs on their head; God knows exactly how many.

Imagine you ask God how many hairs you have on your head. I can see God calling Gabe the archangel over and asking him to grab the Book of Life. God takes the book, flipping through it until he finds your name. He probably says, “Oh yes, I was thinking of you just the other day,” and then He finds the answer looking under your stats for the number of hairs on your head. Can you just imagine that? NOT!!!!!

God, being all knowing, knows exactly how many hairs you have on your head. (Luke 12:7)He doesn’t need a book, and He’s not going to guess. You are His child and He knows everything about you and thinks of you all the time.

So take your time with this doodle and really contemplate how special you are to God and what He’s saying to you today.

The Technique: I used watercolor paper and taped it down then did a water color wash where the hair was going. After it dried, I drew in the hair and started doodling. Not sure I’m done, what do you think?

Loved: A Doodle Devotional is available at





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